This map shows which French schools serve veggie meals (or don’t) - Less Meat More Life - Greenpeace - Less Meat More Life - Greenpeace

This map shows which French schools serve veggie meals (or don’t)

  • animal proteins
  • cities

From one city to another across France, the type of meals served in schools can be vary widely. Some of the most progressive schools serve one or two veggie meals along with organic products to children, although this is still a rare occurrence. Far more schools, serve large quantities of processed animal proteins like beef and pork which are cheaper and generally lower quality. Greenpeace France worked with volunteer parents across the country to create a map of all the territories and the dietary standards in schools. Still, too few cities offer a sustainable diet to children.

After collecting the data, a comprehensive interactive map will be produced where parents will can compare the results in their child’s school to other city districts. Parents who are concerned about their children’s health will have Greenpeace’s support to contact mayors and convince them to serve less and better meat.

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