HUGE WIN!!! France passes law requiring one veggie meal weekly in schools - Less Meat More Life - Greenpeace - Less Meat More Life - Greenpeace

HUGE WIN!!! France passes law requiring one veggie meal weekly in schools

Schoolchildren across France are looking forward to a brighter future across the nation as a major legislative victory will push veggie meals into the mainstream.

In October 2018, the French National Assembly passed a draft food and agriculture bill that promises to be a gamechanger when it comes to “less meat, more veg” in France. The text included an amendment saying that “all private and public school canteens should implement one veggie meal per week within a year after the publication of the Law”.

Now urban and rural school districts across the country will be required to providing healthier meat-free meals to French schoolchildren to lessen the impact of meat production on the planet and start changing the mindsets of children for generations to come.

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